Reflections on fostering inclusive PE and sport contexts. Five case studies by teachers and coaches from across the world highlight tried and tested inclusion strategies to ensure that all are able to participate in PE and sport.

Rachael Jefferson-Buchanan, Craig Gunn, Ty Buckley, Theresa Theresa Molemisi , Phil Mathe

Research output: Contribution to specialist publicationArticle


This article focuses on five case studies of practising educators/coaches who have united to share their inclusion practices in PE and sport. These are shared to highlight how a range of social variables such as age, ethnicity, disability, gender, and class have been supported. In this manner, a number of tried and tested inclusion strategies are revealed. Subsequently, these case studies have been analysed to draw out key themes, and these have been provided via an infographic in the form of an inclusion framework model.
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - 15 Jul 2022


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