Relationship between Angiotensin converting enzyme gene and cardiac autonomic neuropathy among Australian population

Ahmad Shaker Abdalrada, Jemal H. Abawajy, Morshed U. Chowdhury, Sutharshan Rajasegarar, Tahsien Al-Quraishi, Herbert F. Jelinek

Research output: Book chapter/Published conference paperConference paperpeer-review

3 Citations (Scopus)


Angiotensin Converting Enzyme (ACE) gene considers a risk factor for many pathologies such as hypertensive, and diabetic nephropathy. The objective of this study was to investigate the role of ACE genotype with Cardiovascular Autonomic Neuropathy (CAN). We used a data set for 299 participants with and without CAN, as well as with different ACE genotype. Various statistical tests have been considered. Logistic regression was applied to demonstrate the size effect of each predictor. The results revealed, there was no significant different between ACE genotype in the patients with and without CAN. Logistic regression demonstrated only Ewing battery tests as an effective predictive factors. Our investigation found ACE genotype was not a risk factor in Cardiovascular Autonomic Neuropathy in the population of our study.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationRecent Advances on Soft Computing and Data Mining - Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Soft Computing and Data Mining SCDM 2018
EditorsRozaida Ghazali, Mustafa Mat Deris, Nazri Mohd Nawi, Jemal H Abawajy
Place of PublicationSwitzerland
PublisherSpringer-Verlag London Ltd.
Number of pages12
ISBN (Electronic) 9783319725505
ISBN (Print)9783319725499
Publication statusPublished - 01 Jan 2018
Event3rd International Conference on Soft Computing and Data Mining: SCDM 2018 - Le Grandeur Palm Resort, Senai, Malaysia
Duration: 06 Feb 201808 Feb 2018 (conference website) (conference proceedings)

Publication series

NameAdvances in Intelligent Systems and Computing
ISSN (Print)2194-5357


Conference3rd International Conference on Soft Computing and Data Mining
Abbreviated titleConcise and informative
Internet address


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