Research by practitioners and the use of research literature by LIS practitioners in Australia: RAILS 2016, Wellington, New Zealand

Research output: Other contribution to conferencePresentation onlypeer-review

Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - 07 Dec 2016
Event12th Research Applications in Information and Library Studies Seminar: RAILS 2016 - Victoria University, Wellington, New Zealand
Duration: 06 Dec 201608 Dec 2016 (Conference website)


Conference12th Research Applications in Information and Library Studies Seminar
Abbreviated titleHono Tangata: Rangahaua kia mārama—Bridging the gap: From research to practice in information studies
Country/TerritoryNew Zealand
OtherThe 2016 RAILS conference will be hosted by the School of Information Management, Victoria University of Wellington, and held at Victoria University of Wellington’s Pipitea Campus, Wellington, New Zealand, from 6–8 December 2016.

The conference will include
the Australasian Information Educators’ Symposium 2016 (AIES 2016) on the morning of Tuesday, 6 December;
a Doctoral Workshop on the afternoon of Tuesday, 6 December; and
the formal RAILS conference on Wednesday, 7 December and Thursday 8 December 2016.

RAILS 2016 will be followed by a one-day InterPARES International Symposium (, also hosted by the School of Information Management.

Educators, research students and practitioners are encouraged to submit papers on the conference theme, ‘Hono Tangata: Rangahaua kia mārama—Bridging the gap: From research to practice in information studies’, which focuses on building partnerships between researchers, practitioners, and educators to ensure that a culture of research-led, theoretically-informed, innovative practice is nurtured in the information studies field.
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