Research in cooperative and work-integrated education

K. R. Barthus, Joy Higgs

    Research output: Book chapter/Published conference paperChapter


    This chapter extends and updates a previous chapter by Bartkus and Stull (2004) that appeared inthe 2004 edition of the International Handbook for Cooperative Education (Coll and Eames2004). In that chapter, we used the term 'cooperative education' to refer to a broad range ofexperiences that combine education with practical work. Our review of the literature indicates aplethora of other terms used to describe these experiences such as work-integrated learning,work-based learning, workplace learning, career and technical education, internships,experiential education, experiential learning, vocational education and training, fieldworkeducation, service learning, project- and problem-based learning, practicums, and workplacements, among others. While each of these terms may have their own unique history anddefinition, we also found that they are sometimes used inter-changeably, which may lead to someambiguity and confusion among researchers in the course of conducting a review of theliterature.
    Original languageEnglish
    Title of host publicationInternational Handbook for Cooperative and Work-Integrated Education
    Subtitle of host publicationInternational Perspectives of Theory, Research and Practice
    Place of PublicationLowell, MA
    PublisherWorld Association for Cooperative Education (WACE)
    Number of pages12
    Edition2nd / 8
    ISBN (Print)9780615518855
    Publication statusPublished - 2011


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