Research performance metrics: Investigating gender inequity as a potential barrier to sustainable research performance

Chelsea Litchfield, Tracey Parnell, John Burns, Vittorio Travan

Research output: Other contribution to conferenceAbstractpeer-review


Women in academia have lower participation in STEM, poorer success rates in promotion processes and reduced likelihood of achieving senior appointments. Poorer outcomes for women are the cumulative effect of multiple factors, including bias when evaluating their research contributions. Increasingly, academic evidence shows that metrics of research performance may inequitably represent women’s research success. This evidence shows that gender impacts a range of factors relating to research success including access to and success in grants, biases in peer review and citations and being less frequently listed as chief investigators. This presentation will explore the extant literature focusing on the relationship between research metrics and the measurement of research performance by gender including the implications for measuring, reporting and interpreting this performance. Specifically, the presentation will focus on the literature relating to women and non-binary identified researchers working in tertiary education settings. Inaccurate and inappropriate metrics of performance have the potential to entrench inequity and thus it is imperative that we seek to more deeply understand research performance metrics and the extent to which they are reflective of actual performance.


Conference20th Gender and Education Association Conference 2024
Abbreviated titleBe the change
CityPort Macquarie
OtherThe 20th Gender and Education Association Conference will be held at Charles Sturt’s Port Macquarie Campus in partnership with the Gender and Education Association (GEA). The conference will bring together education practitioners from all levels and backgrounds to increase diversity and inclusion in education, improving equal opportunities for all in 2024.

The event will explore local, national and global inequalities in education, breaking down the one-size-fits-all approach and analysing systemic and structural barriers that have led to disadvantage among different groups.

The conference theme of ‘Be the change’ aims to be a catalyst for discussion and action to address global and institutional inequality through the power of education and knowledge.

You will need to be a member of the GEA to attend the conference. Not a member? Please visit the GEA website to join.

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