Resistance of rapeseed (Brassica napus L.) to aluminium apparent in nutrient solution but not in soil

J. Sergio Moroni, Mark Conyers, Neil Wratten

Research output: Book chapter/Published conference paperConference paperpeer-review


Canola is sensitive to acidic soils, and therefore apparently to aluminium (Al). Selection for resistance to Al is thus an important canola breeding objective. The primary site of Al toxicity is the root apex which severely restricts root growth. Relative root weight (RRW= root weight relative to control), therefore, best reflects the level of Al resistance among plants. In one experiment, two canola and two wheat cultivars were evaluated for resistance to Al under 9 Al concentrations (0-160 µM) in solution culture. The Al resistant wheat cv. Diamondbird and the Al sensitive wheat cv. Janz showed a typical Al-dose growth response while the canola cvs. Oscar and Rainbow were as resistant to Al as Diamondbird. In another experiment, 24 genotypes were evaluated in 100 µM Al. Twenty three genotypes had a RRW above 50% and 7 genotypes above 75%; only the B. juncea genotype had a RRW below 50%. Although many rapeseed genotypes were highly resistant to Al in solution culture this resistance was not expressed in an acid soil. Plants grown in acid soil showed severe chlorosis, necrosis and shoot stunting. These results indicated that nutrient solution culture may be unsuitable for evaluating rapeseed germplasm for resistance to Al and hence resistance to acid soils. An alternative Al-resistance model of rapeseed that may explain the discrepancies observed between nutrient solution and acid soil evaluations is needed. (NSW DPI - Acid Soil Action)
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationProceedings of 13th Agronomy Conference (AAC)
Subtitle of host publicationGround-breaking stuff
EditorsT. Acuna, R.C. Johnson, N. C. Turner
Place of PublicationPerth, Western Australia
PublisherThe Regional Institute
Number of pages2
ISBN (Electronic)1920842314
Publication statusPublished - 2006
Event13th Australian Agronomy Conference - Perth, Western Australia, Australia
Duration: 10 Sept 200614 Sept 2006


Conference13th Australian Agronomy Conference


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