Review of Accredited Operator Schemes

Research output: Book/ReportCommissioned report (public)

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Governments throughout the world have for many years been developing and implementing initiatives that are designed to secure international supply chains from terrorist and other threats while facilitating legitimate trade. A number of these initiatives involve the accreditation of members of the international trading community that meet security and other regulatory requirements.This research, commissioned by the Australian international trade and transport industry, reviews the various types of Accredited Operator (AO) schemes that are currently in use and identifies options for their application in Australia. In doing so, it has sought the views of industry and has focused on ways to maximise the relevance of such schemes, minimise compliance costs and ensure against the possible erosion of Australian industry's competitive position in the global marketplace.
Original languageEnglish
Place of PublicationCanberra
PublisherCCES, CSU
Commissioning bodyAustralian International Trade and Transport Industry Development Fund
Number of pages161
Publication statusPublished - 2014


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