Rice-derived polyphenols reduce inflammation and oxidative stress biomarkers in human umbilical vein endothelial cells

Research output: Other contribution to conferenceAbstract


Global obesity rates are of epidemic proportion. Anti-obesity treatments are in high demand and many have adverse side effects. Obese populations have higher levels of inflammation and oxidative stress. As a result, obesity is significantly correlated to other lifestyle diseases such as cardiovascular disease. Endothelial dysfunction, a predecessor to atherosclerosis is a well-established response to cardiovascular risk factors in high inflammatory and oxidative stress environments. The antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties of polyphenols in coloured rice varieties could have potential to neutralize oxidative stress and modulate inflammatory responses in obese populations. Three coloured rice varieties were chosen based on previous polyphenolic and antioxidant screening and their antioxidant and anti-inflammatory potential were investigated. Human umbilical vein cells (HUVECs) were incubated with polyphenol extract (PE) from three coloured rice varieties: Reiziq (brown), Purple (purple) and Yunlu29 (red) and subsequently subjected to oxidative stress conditions. The production and/or expression of reactive oxygen species (ROS), pro-inflammatory cytokines, nuclear factor kappa-B (NF-B) and a naturally-occurring intracellular antioxidant (SOD-1) were quantified by fluorescence spectroscopy, flow cytometry and ELISA respectively. ROS and SOD-1 were significantly reduced and upregulated (p < 0.001) in HUVECs treated with Purple rice PE respectively.
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - 2018
Event68th Australasian Grain Science Conference - Charles Sturt University, Wagga Wagga, Australia
Duration: 10 Sept 201813 Sept 2018
https://www.ausgrainscience.org.au/wp-content/uploads/Conference2018/Booklet-2018.pdf (Conference booklet)


Conference68th Australasian Grain Science Conference
Abbreviated titleGrain Science Transforming our Future
CityWagga Wagga
Internet address


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