Robotic telescopes and student research in the school curriculum around the OECD countries

Saeed Salimpour, Michael Fitzgerald, Ross Cutts, Renee James, Scott Miller, Lena Danaia, Sergio Cabezon, Michel Faye, Cyrille Baudouin, Diana Birkenbauma, Sara Anjos, Qixuan Wu, Hye-eun Chu, Eileen Slater

Research output: Book chapter/Published conference paperConference paperpeer-review

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The aim of this paper is to explore the presence and possible incorporation of inquiry-based learning approaches using Robotic Telescopes and Student Research in the regular science curriculum. This study uses preliminary findings from an extensive ongoing study, which is currently reviewing the extent of astronomy content in the school curriculum of the 35 member countries from the OECD in addition to two emerging nations in modern astronomy – China and South Africa, which are not part of the OECD. Analysis of curriculum documents from 28 OECD countries, including China and South Africa, reveals that although there is a prevalence of astronomy related content in most grades, incorporating Robotic Telescopes and Student Research into the regular science curriculum is limited by two interdependent factors. Firstly, the majority of curricula introduce astronomy-related concepts through a descriptive lens, with a focus on the “what?”, rather than the “how?” or “why?”. Secondly, astronomy in comparison to other topics gets very little time allocation. Robotic Telescopes provide teachers with enormous potential to teach students not only topics related to science, but also to afford students the opportunity to engage in “authentic science”. Thus, it is vital for the members of the astronomy community to play a greater role in the development of curricula.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationRobotic Telescopes, Student Research and Education (RTSRE) Proceedings
Place of PublicationSan Diego, California, USA,
PublisherRobotic Telescopes, Student Research and Education (RTSRE) Proceedings
Number of pages8
ISBN (Electronic)9780648399605
Publication statusPublished - 17 Oct 2018
Event2nd Annual Robotic Telescopes, Student Research and Education (RTSRE) 2017 - Hacienda Hotel, San Diego, United States
Duration: 18 Jun 201722 Jun 2017 (Conference information)


Conference2nd Annual Robotic Telescopes, Student Research and Education (RTSRE) 2017
Abbreviated titlePast, present, future
Country/TerritoryUnited States
CitySan Diego
OtherNOTE - program attached to PID 480414047

The Robotic Telescopes, Student Research and Education: Past, Present, Future conference will focus on the use of remotely-located, relatively small, typically optical robotic telescopes to support, promote, and drive research undertaken by high school and undergraduate students for scientific research as well as educational outcomes and uses.

The conference will aim to tie diverse strands into a coherent story of where we have been (the past), where we are now (the present), and outline the pathways and challenges going forward (the future). In doing so, we endeavor to provide a synthesis of the relatively disconnected communities surrounding remote and robotic telescopes, scientific research, and astronomy education to provide a global picture of the field in its current state.
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