Root Zone Salinity Management using Fractional Skimming Wells with Pressurized Irrigation: Inception report.

Muhammad Asghar, S Ahmed, M S Shafqiue, M A Kahlown

    Research output: Book/ReportBook

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    In the Indus basin of Pakistan, salty groundwater is overlain by fresh groundwater due to seepage from rivers and canals of the Indus basin irrigation system. It is estimated that nearly 200 billion cubic meters of fresh groundwater is lying on salty groundwater. If proper technology is applied, this freshwater can be skimmed from the aquifer with minimum disturbance of the salty groundwater zone. This paper presents the inception report of a project for the sustainable exploitation and application of fresh groundwater in irrigated agriculture in Pakistan. The main focus of the project is to introduce packages of technology and management to address serious concerns related to the quality and quantity of groundwater and ensure the use of this freshwater resource on a sustainable basis. The components of these technological and management packages will be fractional skimming wells, dugwells, pressurized irrigation application systems, and irrigation scheduling advisory services.
    Original languageEnglish
    Place of PublicationPakistan
    PublisherInternational Water Management Institute
    Number of pages44
    ISBN (Print)9290904674
    Publication statusPublished - 2002


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