Rural and remote health and technology

Linda Shields

Research output: Other contribution to conferencePresentation only

Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - 2017
EventeHealth Workshop on Remote Health Using Technology: RHT-2017 - Young Service Club, Young, Australia
Duration: 09 Feb 201709 Feb 2017 (Workshop report)


WorkshopeHealth Workshop on Remote Health Using Technology
OtherThis workshop seeks to bring together researchers and industry experts with expertise in health and technology who are interested in collaborating on industry projects focusing on rural and remote eHealth. The themes of projects may include disease prediction/detection, tele-health, remote sensors, data mining, mobile app development, visualisation, health management/marketing, and others. The workshop will involve researchers from across the university providing an overview of their research experience and capabilities, and hearing from industry partners about research needs. A goal of the day will be the identification of potential collaborative projects.
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