Safe sleep space alternative for Aboriginal families in Australia: A strengths based community approach to research

Nina Sivertsen, Julian Grant, Janiene Deverix, Casey Nottage, Nicola Spurrier, Alice Steeb

Research output: Book chapter/Published conference paperConference paperpeer-review


This pilot study aims to collaboratively explore of the use of a culturally safe sleep alternative, the Pēpi-pod, as an option for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander families in a central metropolitan region in Adelaide. The study is a joint project between the Women’s and Children’s Health Network, Flinders University and the SA Department for Health and Ageing. The study will assess the cultural
safety of the Pēpi-pod Program and the ability to embed the program into existing models of care in the Adelaide metropolitan context. The pilot involves existing Aboriginal Maternal and Infant Care (AMIC) workers, Aboriginal Cultural Consultants (ACCs) and Maternal, Child and Family Health Nurses (CaFHN) and provides a unique opportunity to strengthen partnerships between these individuals and organisations, and Aboriginal families in the community.
The pilot will recruit 10 families who will be provided with safe sleep education and Pēpi-pod in the antenatal period with joint education from the ACC and AMIC workers. Families will receive regular follow-up postnatally and be asked to take photographs of their Pēpi-pod use and other sleep arrangements. The research team will interview families at pre and post intervals to yarn about their photos and perceptions of the safe sleep education and Pēpi-pods. Focus group data will also be collected from all health and care professionals and a community advisory group established within the research project. The results will assist our understanding of whether the Pēpi-pod program is a culturally safe approach for Aboriginal families living in South Australia.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationWomen's Leadership and Empowerment Conference 2017
Subtitle of host publicationConference proceedings
Place of PublicationSerbia
PublisherTomorrow People Organization
Number of pages11
ISBN (Print)9788687043411
Publication statusPublished - 2017
EventThe 8th annual Women's Leadership and Empowerment Conference: WLEC 2017 - Aetas Lumpini Hotel, Bangkok, Thailand
Duration: 01 Mar 201703 Mar 2017 (program) (Conference website)


ConferenceThe 8th annual Women's Leadership and Empowerment Conference
OtherWomen’s Leadership and Empowerment Conference [WLEC] is one of a kind platform for global stakeholders from academic, professional and governmental realms to gather, network and discuss Leadership and Empowerment of Women. WLEC offers a unique, culturally and professionally diverse environment, carefully designed to foster personal and professional growth.

Every year Women's Leadership and Empowerment Conference gathers scholars, activists, professional men and women and policy makers from across the globe. This conference is open to any and all gender, religion, race and beliefs as our diversity in perspective is what helps broaden our knowledge, understanding and actions on the subject at hand. ​
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