Save us from ourselves: whitefellas to the rescue in “Last Cab to Darwin”

Research output: Other contribution to conferencePresentation only


Abstract pending. Also added soon will be powerpoint presentation slides plus full length draft paper on which this presentation was based (so textual rendering of the research)
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - Jul 2017
EventRace, Whiteness and Indigeneity: An International Conference - Crowne Plaza Surfers Paradise, Gold Coast, Australia
Duration: 06 Jun 201708 Jun 2017 (Conference program) (Call for abstracts)


ConferenceRace, Whiteness and Indigeneity: An International Conference
CityGold Coast
OtherA substantive body of international scholarship, from different disciplines, has focused on researching and understanding how race has been central to the spread of empire and colonization. Beginning in the 1400s Western Europeans fastened their global expansion to the categorization, designation and ranking of human populations according to a racial hierarchy. Indigenous lands and peoples in Africa, Asia and the Pacific were made possessions, in colonizing processes of renaming, mapping, appropriating, exploiting and dispossessing. Critical Race and Whiteness research and scholarship in the USA and Canada has been central to theorizing and researching how race and whiteness functions and operates, and how both are engaged and appropriated in different geographical locations and historical moments. However, the focus has not been on these countries as specifically imperial and colonizing contexts, instead a broader approach to race and whiteness has been taken. The imperial traces of race, however, continue to shape policies, perceptions, law and everyday practices.

This conference begins an interdisciplinary conversation focusing on race, whiteness and Indigeneity within the context of settler colonialisms in the USA, Canada, New Zealand, Australia and Hawaii. It offers an opportunity to participate in increasingly voluble and global conversations about the denial and significance of race, whiteness and Indigeneity in the 21st century. The conference not only introduces new theoretical developments and knowledge, it also provides researchers and policy makers with an engaging forum in which to discuss the historical and contemporary links between race, Indigeneity and whiteness. Bringing together leading national and international scholars working in Critical Race Studies, Indigenous Studies and Whiteness Studies, the conference will initiate conversations about race, Indigeneity, whiteness and their mutually constitutive relationships. The conference will feature four plenary sessions related to future directions for teaching, research and policy plus concurrent sessions and roundtable discussions.
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