Schools unmasked: Educators' ethical dilemmas in a global pandemic

Tatiana Geron, Sarah Gurr, Daniella J. Forster, Alysha Banerji, Jacob Fay, Meira Levinson, Allison Stevens

Research output: Other contribution to conferencePresentation onlypeer-review


Schooling during the COVID-19 pandemic has raised not only overwhelming practical challenges but also deep ethical dilemmas for educators. However, there have been few efforts to connect these challenges either to dilemmas teachers faced in pre-pandemic times or to philosophical analyses of complex normative terrain such as accountability, the aims of education, or role morality for teachers. We facilitated eleven focus group discussions with 101 educators from seven countries on the dilemmas they faced as a result of COVID-19. Analysis of these sessions reveal how our philosophical resources for addressing dilemmas rest on assumptions about schooling that the pandemic unsettles. New theories may be necessary to help teachers make sense of their roles and responsibilities in a pandemic learning environment.
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - 2021
Event2021 American Educational Research Association Virtual Annual Meeting - Online
Duration: 08 Apr 202112 Apr 2021 (Event website)


Conference2021 American Educational Research Association Virtual Annual Meeting
Abbreviated titleAccepting educational responsibility
OtherEach year, the American Educational Research Association Annual Meeting is the world's largest gathering of education researchers and a showcase for groundbreaking, innovative studies in an array of areas. Join us this year virtually, April 8-12, 2021, for four rewarding days of ideas, engagement, networking, and professional advancement.
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