Science + Art = Holistic Thinking: An unorthodox approach to creating holistic thinkers in the Bachelor of Ecological Agriculture course offered through Charles Sturt University, Australia

Kerry Cochrane

Research output: Book chapter/Published conference paperConference paperpeer-review


While western based academics in agricultural faculties seem well versed in the pedagogy of training people to be reductionist thinkers less developed is the process of developing holistic thinking. Holism and reductionism represents opposite aspects of the one continuum and therefore it might be surmised that knowing one could lead quickly to an understanding of its opposite. The paper explores this tension and reveals an approach to education in the Bachelor of Ecological Agriculture course as Charles Sturt University Australia which has had a marked impact on students and their capacity to think holistically. The approach fosters the creation of three types of thinkers: 2nd Person; 1st Person; and, 3rd Person. Of these 2nd Person plays a most significant role.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationCultivate the future. 16th IFOAM Organisation World Congress
Place of PublicationItaly
Number of pages1
Publication statusPublished - 2008
EventIFOAM Organisation World Congress - Modena, Italy, Italy
Duration: 16 Jun 200820 Jun 2008


ConferenceIFOAM Organisation World Congress


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