Self-regulation and transfer in a problem-based learning medical program (Symposium)

Sarah Hyde, Richard A Walker

Research output: Book chapter/Published conference paperConference paperpeer-review

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This research was conducted within the context of the University of Sydney Medical Program (USydMP), a four year problem based graduate entry course established in 1997. Students have three 90 minute PBL tutorials each week in the first two years and this is reduced to twice a week in the final two years. Students spend one day per week in the hospital setting to supplement learning of PBL case material in Years 1 and 2. During this clinical day they attend practically oriented tutorials focused on communication skills and examining a patient. In Years 3 of the program students permanently move out to the clinical sites where they complete a series of four week integrated clinical attachments (ICAs) on a hospital ward (e.g. cardiology, respiratory). Within each attachment, students are expected to become a member of the hospital team, comprising a consultant, a registrar, resident, intern, and another student. As well as being attached to the team and therefore completing ward rounds, attending team meetings, and participating in patient care, students are expected to attend lectures, PBL sessions and other structured tutorials. AimsIn consideration of the theoretical framework and the research context, the aims of this investigation were to explore how medical students self-regulate their learning in PBL tutorials and how this changed between Years 2 and 3 of the program. I was also interested in how students self-regulate their learning in each context over the two years and how self-regulation transferred between the PBL and clinical settings, as well as what the affording and constraining factors were which mediated transfer and self-regulation in each context. MethodThis was a longitudinal study and exploratory in nature. As such, mostly qualitative methods were used. Video recorded non-participant observation and individual interviews with second and third year medical students were used to assess self-regulation and transfer over a two year period in
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationDeveloping Potentials for Learning, 12th Biennial Conference for Research on Learning and Instruction
EditorsBenő Csapó Csapó, Csaba Csí Csíkos
Place of PublicationBudapest, Hungary
PublisherUniversity of Szeged
Number of pages1
ISBN (Electronic)9789634828372
Publication statusPublished - 2007
EventConference for Research on Learning and Instruction - Budapest, Hungary
Duration: 28 Aug 200701 Sept 2007


ConferenceConference for Research on Learning and Instruction


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