Sharks, social sentiment and science

Mehmet I. Mehmet, Peter Denyer-Simmons, Rodney Clarke

Research output: Book chapter/Published conference paperConference paperpeer-review

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In the period 2014-2016 the state of New South Wales (NSW) experienced a succession of fatal and non-fatal shark encounters along the northern coastline. Under pressure to design effective shark management policy (McCagh et al., 2015) the NSW state government held a shark symposium in Sydney, heralding shark experts and key stakeholders from around the globe. Aftwerwhich the NSW State government announced a five year, $AU16 millon shark management strategy (SMS) (DPI, 2016). The SMS was designed to help mitigate the risk of shark encounters and improve the scientific understanding through humane and ecological practices (DPI, 2016). The strategy considered of a variety of elements, including new drones, helicopters, clever bouys, shark barriers, social media applications, education programs and smart drumlines (DPI, 2016).
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationInternational social marketing conference
Subtitle of host publication“Broadening Cultural Horizons in Social Marketing”
EditorsRachel Hay
Place of PublicationTownsville
PublisherJames Cook University
Number of pages5
ISBN (Print)9780995447172
Publication statusPublished - 2018
EventInternational Social Marketing Conference 2018: ISMC 2018 - James Cook University, Singapore Campus, Singapore, Singapore
Duration: 15 Jul 201817 Jul 2018


ConferenceInternational Social Marketing Conference 2018
Abbreviated titleBroadening Cultural Horizons in Social Marketing
OtherThe ISMC aims ​to bring together a community of professionals in the Asia-Pacific region across multiple disciplines including marketing, psychology, public health, policy change, geography, environmental sciences, economics, and sociology who are working in social change. The focus of ISMC is on understanding how we can influence people's health, environmental, and lifestyle behaviours, and the socio-cultural factors, policies, and structures that influence these behaviours, for greater societal wellbeing.

ISMC 2018 will have a general theme on ' Broadening cultural horizons in social marketing'. The focus is on bringing ideas on social change from around the Asia-Pacific into the social marketing community. Delegates are encouraged to submit papers and present case studies on any topic relevant to social marketing and social change. We particularly encourage papers that identify the unique challenges around behaviour and social change across the Asia-Pacific, and showcase successful social marketing interventions across the region.


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