Shopping centres versus online fulfilment: An agent based model simulation

Steve D'Alessandro, Rod Duncan, Terry Bossomaier

Research output: Book chapter/Published conference paperConference paperpeer-review

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The traditional bricks and mortar retailing sector is under pressure through competition from low-cost online retailers. Many researchers predict that shopping centres may even disappear as a viable outlet or business model, given the success of companies such as Amazon and EBay. This paper attempts to model the conditions in which shopping centres can compete with online retailers. Our model considers factors such as immediacy, post-sales service, online risk and mall entertainment, which it is postulated will assist shopping centres to compete with online retailers, against the value they provide. Results show that the higher the value of purchase the more likely consumers is to purchase from a store. Mall managers can increase purchases by focusing on customer service and gratification from purchases, and show the reduced risk of purchasing in a store than online. Cybersecurity breaches (greater online risk) may also encourage more bricks and mortar purchases.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationProceedings of the Australian New Zealand Marketing Academy, Adelaide, Australia
EditorsJodie Conduit, Carolin Plewa, Dean Wilkie
Place of PublicationAdelaide, SA
PublisherAustralian & New Zealand Marketing Academy
Number of pages4
ISBN (Print)978187040658
Publication statusPublished - 05 Dec 2018
EventAustralian and New Zealand Marketing Academy 2018 Conference: ANZMAC 2018 - National Wine Centre, University of Adelaide, Adelaide, Australia
Duration: 03 Dec 201805 Dec 2018 (conference proceedings) (conference website) (conference proceedings)


ConferenceAustralian and New Zealand Marketing Academy 2018 Conference
Abbreviated titleConnect. Engage. Transform
OtherCelebrating its 20th year, the conference enables interaction among marketing academics and practitioners, as well as the sharing of the latest research in marketing.
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