Smarter planning for the energy transition: Final report

C Riedy, D Economou, I Koskinen, R Dargaville, E Gui, S Niklas, K Nagrath, S Wright, C Hargroves, B James, N Gilmore, G Paget

Research output: Book/ReportCommissioned report (public)


As the Australian energy system continues its transition towards a zero-carbon future, numerous uncertainties make planning and decision-making difficult. The politics of energy transition, uncertainty about future customer choices and practices, the rate of uptake of technologies, and concerns about the resilience of infrastructure as the climate changes make transition pathways and endpoints unpredictable. New ways of anticipating and responding to possible futures are needed that go beyond traditional forecasting
a pproaches.
This is the focus of RACE for 2030’s Research Theme E2: Innovative Foresighting and Planning. This Opportunity Assessment evaluates the current anticipatory planning capacity of the Australian energy system and looks for opportunities for improvement. This Final Report summarises findings from the literature review and stakeholder consultation and presents a comprehensive multi-year “Research Roadmap” for this research theme.
Original languageEnglish
Place of PublicationSydney, NSW
PublisherRACE for 2030 Cooperative Research Centre
Commissioning bodyRACE for 2030 CRC
Number of pages97
ISBN (Print)9781922746276
Publication statusPublished - 01 Dec 2022


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