Social factors influencing landholder management of silverleaf nightshade

Vaughan Higgins, Karen Herbert, Philip Bowden, Hanwen Wu, Karl Behrendt

Research output: Book chapter/Published conference paperConference paperpeer-review

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Silverleaf nightshade (Solanum elae-agnifolium Cav.) is recognised as one of the world’s worst agricultural weeds. Yet, little is known about the broader social drivers or barriers that influence farmer adoption of particular control strategies. To better understand these drivers and barriers, individual semistructured interviews were conducted with 18 farmers involved in the management of silverleaf nightshade (SLN) across four Australian states. Find-ings from this research reveal that the most significant driver for landholders to control SLN is the potential implications for property value in the district if SLN is not properly controlled. Time and associated labour costs represent the main challenges in controlling SLN, but they do not act as a barrier to ongoing control due to the high importance placed by farmers on control-ling SLN. Based upon these findings, the paper makes three key recommendations for future SLN extension
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationProceedings of the20th Australasian Weeds Conference (2016 )
EditorsRod Randall, Sandy Lloyd, Catherine Borger
Place of PublicationPerth
PublisherWeed Society of Western Australia
Number of pages4
ISBN (Electronic)9780646960319
Publication statusPublished - 2016
Event20th Australasian Weeds Conference (2016) - Pan Pacific Hotel, Perth, Australia
Duration: 11 Sept 201615 Sept 2016 (Conference website) (Conference proceedings)


Conference20th Australasian Weeds Conference (2016)
Abbreviated titleScience, Community and Food Security: the Weed Challenge
OtherIn 2016, the Council of Australasian Weed Societies (CAWS), along with local hosts the Weeds Society of Western Australia, are celebrating the 20th Australasian Weeds Conference. The biennial conference is being held at the Pan Pacific in Perth, Western Australia which has traditionally been one of the highest attended AWC's, and over 300 delegates are expected from across Australasia.
Delegates will come together to meet-up with peers, engage with industry sponsors, and to listen and participate in presentations and field trips on a variety of topics including:

Herbicide Resistance
Weeds of National Significance
Agricultural weeds
Environmental weeds
Biological control of weeds
Modelling and new technologies to manage weeds
Legislation, regulation and policy to manage weed
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