Social media as a tool to communicate rural youth suicidality

Research output: Other contribution to conferencePresentation onlypeer-review

Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - 03 Nov 2021
EventAustralian Rural and Remote Mental Health Symposium 2021: Advancing mental health care for rural and remote communities - Virtual
Duration: 03 Nov 202108 Nov 2021


ConferenceAustralian Rural and Remote Mental Health Symposium 2021
Abbreviated titleWeathering the Storm: Reflecting On 2020 & Planning for What’s Next
OtherUnite with a community committed to advancing rural & remote mental health care.
Living and working in rural Australia can be a rich and rewarding way of life. However, factors such as geographic location, social isolation, and limited facilities can make it difficult for many to receive adequate mental health care.

When rural and remote mental health services are needed, they are often few and far between.

Gain practical solutions to improve mental health services in Australia’s rural and remote areas at the Australian Rural & Remote Mental Health Symposium.
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