
Social work in libraries is an emerging field of practice that sees social workers embedded in public libraries, working to meet the psychosocial needs of both community members and staff. This growing trend in United States and Canadian public libraries is well documented (Hines-Martin et al., 2020; Lee et al., 2022; Winkelstein, 2021; Zettervall & Neinow, 2019), with most research covering the past ten years.

In Australia, social work in libraries is still in its infancy, with little research published to date. Charles Sturt University’s Social Work in Libraries researchers seek to explore the needs of both social workers and public librarians through their ongoing program of research.

This presentation will discuss the findings of a recent international scoping review into social work in libraries (Shephard, et al., 2023), consider the challenges and successes of student placements in US libraries, and weigh up the barriers and mitigating factors to employing social workers in libraries. Evidence indicates the benefits social workers in public libraries provide in addressing the daily challenges that library staff encounter, and in promoting community and individual wellbeing and psychosocial needs (Elia, 2019; Schweizer, 2018). However, further exploration of the various models of social work in libraries and the barriers and facilitators that contribute to effective professional social work practice is essential. In this presentation, we will explore what the future may hold for this ground-breaking interdisciplinary practice in overseas and Australian libraries who are increasingly relied on by marginalised members of the community.

Importantly, this presentation will look beyond current emerging practice in Australia and will explore the more established practice in the United States and Canada to illustrate the possible futures for our own context.

References: Elia, H. (2019). Public libraries supporting health and wellness: A literature review. School of Information Student Research Journal, 9(2). https://doi.org/10.31979/2575-2499.090207 Hines-Martin, V., Cox, F. M. & Cunningham, H. R. (2020). Library collaborations and community partnerships: Enhancing health and quality of life. Routledge. Lee, S., Bae, J., Sharkey, C. N., Bakare, O. H., Embrey, J., & Ager, M. (2022). Professional social work and public libraries in the United States: A scoping review. Social Work, 67(3), 249–265. https://doi.org/10.1093/sw/swac025 Schweizer, E. (2018). Social workers within Canadian public libraries: A multicase study (Master’s thesis, University of Calgary, Canada). http://dx.doi.org/10.11575/PRISM/31913 Shephard, M. T., Garner, J., Bell, K. & Wardle, S. (2023) Social Work in Public Libraries: An International Scoping Review, Journal of the Australian Library and Information Association, DOI: 10.1080/24750158.2023.2255940 Winkelstein, J. A. (2021). Libraries and homelessness: An action guide. Libraries Unlimited. Zettervall, S. K., & Nienow, M. C. (2019). Whole person librarianship: a social work approach to patron services. Libraries Unlimited.
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - 08 May 2024
EventAustralian Library and Information Association (ALIA) National Conference 2024 - Adelaide Convention Centre, Adelaide, Australia
Duration: 06 May 202409 May 2024
https://alianational2024.alia.org.au/wp-content/uploads/2024/04/National-Program-for-Handbook-24.4.24.pdf (Program)


ConferenceAustralian Library and Information Association (ALIA) National Conference 2024
Abbreviated titleTruth and Dare
OtherALIA provides the platform as a meeting point for all Library and Information professionals, from all sectors and all areas of Australia and the international community. The National Conference provides unparalleled opportunities to become stronger as professionals and as an industry with engaging programs and a forum to collaborate, network and build partnerships amongst our colleagues, peers, industry leaders and corporate partners.
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