
A trend of collaboration between schools of social work and librarianship aimed at achieving the
common goal of social justice is gaining attention worldwide. Recognising this opportunity, the Social
Work in Libraries (SWiL) program was introduced on the Wiradjuri Country in 2021. This program
is focused on embracing diversity and represents an innovative opportunity for social work students
and supervisors to work with communities, groups, and individuals at a grassroots level. The
program aims to make meaningful differences to marginalised populations in regional communities
while tapping into the non-traditional setting for social work within Australian public libraries.
Original languageEnglish
Number of pages1
Publication statusPublished - 03 Nov 2023
EventANZSWWER Symposium 2023 - Griffith University , Gold Coast, Australia
Duration: 02 Nov 202303 Nov 2023
file:///C:/Users/bmt175/AppData/Local/Microsoft/Windows/INetCache/Content.Outlook/F1E4DK6V/2023-Symposium-Book-of-Abstracts-v4.pdf (Book of abstracts)


ConferenceANZSWWER Symposium 2023
Abbreviated titleBeing Global, Regional and Local in Social Work and Human Services-Opportunities and Challenges for Innovation
CityGold Coast
OtherBook of abstracts attached to PID 415483944
Internet address


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