Soil carbon under perennial pastures: Benchmarking the influence of pasture age and management

Susan E. Orgill, Nancy Spoljaric, Georgina Kelly

    Research output: Book chapter/Published conference paperConference paperpeer-review

    6 Citations (Scopus)
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    This paper reports baseline soil carbon stocks from a field survey of 19 sites; 8 pairs/triplet in the Monaro region of New South Wales. Site comparisons were selected by the Monaro Farming Systems group to demonstrate the influence of land management on soil carbon, and included: nutrient management, liming, pasture age and cropping history. Soil carbon stocks varied with parent material and with land management. The fertilised (phosphorus) native perennial pasture had a greater stock of soil carbon compared with the unfertilised site; 46.8 vs 40.4 Mg.C.ha to 0.50 m. However, the introduced perennial pasture which had been limed had a lower stock of soil carbon compared with the unlimed site; 62.8 vs 66.7 Mg.C.ha to 0.50 m. There was a greater stock of soil carbon under two of the three younger (<10 yr old) perennial pastures compared with older (>35 yr old) pastures. Cropped sites did not have lower soil carbon stocks at all sites; however, this survey was conducted after three years of above average annual rainfall and most sites had been cropped for less than three years. At all sites more than 20% of the total carbon stock to 0.50 m was in the 0.30 to 0.50 m soil layer highlighting the importance of considering this soil layer when investigating the implications of land management on soil carbon. Our baseline data indicates that nutrient management may increase soil carbon under perennial pastures and highlights the importance of perennial pastures for soil carbon sequestration regardless of age.
    Original languageEnglish
    Title of host publicationIOP Conference Series
    Subtitle of host publicationEarth and Environmental Science
    Number of pages4
    Publication statusPublished - 17 Jul 2015
    EventInternational Workshop Soil Change Matters, 2014 - Bendigo, Australia
    Duration: 24 Mar 201427 Mar 2014 (workshop overview)

    Publication series

    NameIOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science
    ISSN (Print)1755-1307


    ConferenceInternational Workshop Soil Change Matters, 2014
    Internet address


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