Sometimes one word makes a world of difference: A return to the origins of Mark’s Gospel (Mark 1:38)

    Research output: Book chapter/Published conference paperChapter (peer-reviewed)peer-review


    This essay isolates one Markan hapax legomenon, κωμόπολις, and explores its potential contribution to larger questions. "When the scribal textual tradition is examined the traditions associated with the west appear ignorant ofthe word. Its use inJosephus and earlier ancient liter­ature not only clarifies its meaning, but also reinforces its use in the east. The Byzantine use ofthe term is an appropriation from earlier days. The meaning ofthe word arising from the survey not only illuminates Mark 1:38, but, being eastern, it provides evidence relevant to the question of
    the Gospel's provenance.
    Original languageEnglish
    Title of host publicationThe impact of Jesus of Nazareth
    Subtitle of host publicationHistorical, theological and pastoral perspectives
    EditorsPeter G. Bolt, James R. Harrison
    Place of PublicationMacquarie Park, NSW
    PublisherSCD Press
    Number of pages32
    ISBN (Electronic)9781925730142
    ISBN (Print)9781925730135
    Publication statusPublished - 2020

    Publication series

    NameHistorical and Theological Studies


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