SSCOT: A sustainable program to provide strengths based assessment, and implement coordinated wellness recovery action plans

Russell Roberts, Rowena McCauley, Matthew Thomas, Rachel Rathbone, Marijka Brennan, Oliver Burmeister

Research output: Other contribution to conferenceAbstractpeer-review


The Specialist Support Coordination Team (SSCOT) model provides a ‘step-in, step-out’ assessment, to inform the development of a Wellness and Recovery Action Plan. The Plan is developed in partnership with the consumers and carers. With a strong emphasis on combining consumers’ goals, with specialist psychology, social work, nursing, occupational and speech therapy assessments, the team develops a comprehensive individualised Wellness and Recovery Action Plan based around 13 domains of health (CDS, 2005). The final plan comprises a detailed day-to-day wellness and recovery program that can be implemented by carers, NGOs, community organisations and public health teams. A core function of SSCOT is effectively engaging local services to partner and commit to deliver the Plan in a way that is coordinated across services.

The evaluation method was co-designed by consumers, carers, service partners and the SSCOT staff. The evaluation revealed high levels of service satisfaction from consumers, carers and service partners, and consumers showed significant improvements on measures of mental health. This model appeared sustainable and generalisable. The key challenges centred on the ability of each partner to reliably deliver their part of the care package. This model would be particularly pertinent for people living with mental illness eligible for the NDIS.

Centre for Disability Studies [CDS]. (2005). I-CAN: Instrument to classify support needs of people with disability. Sydney: The Faculty of Health Sciences, University of Sydney.
Original languageEnglish
Number of pages1
Publication statusPublished - 2019
Event29th TheMHS Conference: Building Health Communities - Stories of resilience and hope - Brisbane Convention Centre, Brisbane, Australia
Duration: 27 Aug 201930 Aug 2019


Conference29th TheMHS Conference
Internet address


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