Stakeholder engagement in environmental water management

John Conallin, Chris Dickens, Declan Hearne, C Allan

Research output: Book chapter/Published conference paperChapter (peer-reviewed)peer-review

44 Citations (Scopus)


This chapter introduces the concept of stakeholder engagement within water resource management with a focus on environmental water programs. It explains why stakeholder engagement is critical, and the theoretical basis for effective stakeholder engagement. Moving from theory into practice it advocates for principle-based engagement through 10 key principles, and describes 5 key steps for successful implementation. Three short case studies demonstrate some of the principles of stakeholder engagement and the varying challenges associated with stakeholder engagement in different situations. Further examples of principles, and steps, from around the world are also highlighted. It must be recognized that stakeholder engagement is individual to the situation, dynamic, and one of the most challenging components of any management program, hence highlighting how critical it is to include and prioritize both from a funding and human resource side. Even though resourcing stakeholder engagement usually adds short-term complexity and cost, in general effective stakeholder engagement reduces transaction costs and leads to more successful long-term outcomes.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationWater for the environment
Subtitle of host publicationFrom policy and science to implementation and management
EditorsA.C. Horne, J.A. Webb, M.J. Stewardson, B.D. Richter, Mike Acreman
Place of PublicationCambridge MA
Number of pages21
ISBN (Print)9780128039076
Publication statusPublished - 2017


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