Stakeholders’ perspectives on quality in ecotourism

Rosemary Black, Alice Crabtree

Research output: Book chapter/Published conference paperChapter (peer-reviewed)peer-review

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This chapter introduces the key stakeholders involved in ecotourism and provides an overview of some of the major challenges faced by the ecotourism industry in addressing, developing and implementing quality ecotourism. The following chapters present fourteen chapters from a range ecotourism stakeholders including tourists’, communities’, protected area managers’, ecotour guides’ and ecotourism industries’. This part of the book explores a range of stakeholders’ views on how best to pursue quality in ecotourism, or specific elements pertinent to ecotourism principles. Some of these stakeholders have not had a strong, or indeed, any voice in the ecotourism debate, and they bring refreshingly different perspectives to the discussion.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationQuality assurance and certification in ecotourism
EditorsRosemary Black, Alice Crabtree
Place of PublicationWallingford, Oxon, UK
Number of pages11
Edition1 / 5
ISBN (Print)9781845932374
Publication statusPublished - Sept 2007


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