Stepping out of your comfort zone: From discipline expert to SoTL researcher

Research output: Other contribution to conferencePresentation only


Launching into the world of SoTL research can be an unfamiliar – at times daunting – journey. What tools can help us navigate these challenges? Curiosity, ‘studentness’, and time are a good start.
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - 18 Feb 2020
EventFaculty of Science Learning and Teaching Forum 2020 - Charles Sturt University, Wagga Wagga, Australia
Duration: 18 Feb 202019 Feb 2020 (program)


OtherFaculty of Science Learning and Teaching Forum 2020
Abbreviated titleScholarly Teaching - connecting our success with future opportunity
CityWagga Wagga
OtherThe FoS Scholarly Teaching Forum will be a vibrant and interactive two-day event. The 2020 Forum theme, Scholarly Teaching: connecting our success with future opportunity, has been chosen to not only draw attention to the scholarship requirements under the Higher Education Standards Framework, but also to celebrate the significant learning and teaching achievements across our diverse Faculty.
The theme seeks to encourage participants to connect this success with future opportunities (and challenges!); particularly with regard to ensuring that our approaches to learning and teaching are fit for purpose in an ever changing higher education sector.
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