Studies on the origin, screening methodologies, and inheritance of manganese tolerance in spring wheat (Triticum aestivum L.)

Research output: ThesisMasters Thesis


After aluminum (Al) toxicity, manganese (Mn) toxicity is probably the world's second most important growth limiting factor in acid soils. Breeding wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) for tolerance to Mn might be in some cases more feasible and economical than use of soil amendments. This study was conducted (1) to determine the level of Mn tolerance in Canadian wheat cultivars and its probable origin, by relative root weight (RRW) estimates in solution culture, and by analysis of cultivar pedigrees and drawing of phylogenetic maps to discern filial relationships, (2) to develop a rapid, seedling based, screening bioassay for Mn tolerance by testing several physiological parameters, and (3) to determine the inheritance and estimate genetic effects on Mn tolerance using the progeny generation mean analysis method of progeny generations from five cultivars (Norquay, Laura, Oslo, Columbus, and Katepwa) crossed in all combinations, excluding reciprocals. A range of tolerance to Mn among Canadian cultivars was observed. Manganese tolerance appears to have originated from the Brazilian land races Polyssu (= Ponta Grossa 142) and/or Alfredo Chavez 6.21. (Abstract shortened by UMI.)
Original languageEnglish
QualificationMaster of Science
Awarding Institution
  • University of Alberta
Place of PublicationCanada
Print ISBNs0315701919, 9780315701915
Publication statusPublished - 1991


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