Studying Recreational Polydrug use Through an Ontologic Agent-Based Simulation

Francois Lamy

    Research output: ThesisDoctoral Thesis

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    This thesis investigates the career of recreational polydrug users
    through a pluridisciplinary perspective. This perspective captures the
    complexity of this phenomenon by integrating data from neurology with
    a sociological approach. These theoretical elements are integrated into a
    multi-agent model aiming to test this approach and extend its results.
    To inform the model, thirty-eight qualitative interviews were conducted
    with socially-integrated polyusers. After a first phase where drug
    consumption is oriented toward peers group integration and during
    which consumption techniques are learnt, the users tend to instrument
    drugs to facilitate their adaptation to modern social norms and manage
    social constrains. The polyconsumption appears to be the climax of this
    psychoactive substances instrumenting and could take four forms
    permitting the users to make vary their physical and psychological
    states at will. The last phase of the career is characterized by an
    increase in control techniques allowing individuals to conciliate their
    consumptions with the increase of their daily obligations. The status of
    controller user is defined by opposition to the stereotype of the
    dependant user, which participates to the labeling of these latter as
    deviant users. These empirical results have been formalized through
    visual diagrams before being implemented into the NetLogo platform.
    The model created, called SimUse, was verified by the means of several
    scenarios assessing the consistency between the implemented
    algorithms and collected empirical data.
    Original languageEnglish
    QualificationDoctor of Philosophy
    Awarding Institution
    • Charles Sturt University
    • Bossomaier, Terry, Co-Supervisor
    • Duprez, Dominique , Co-Supervisor, External person
    • Crane, James, Co-Supervisor
    Award date01 Jan 2014
    Place of PublicationAustralia
    Publication statusPublished - 2014


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