Stung Pursat Barrage Fishway: Proposed Fishway Design Criteria and Concept for Damnak Chheukrom Irrigation Scheme

Tim Marsden, Martin Mallen-Cooper, Ivor G. Stuart, William Rice, Garry Thorncraft, L.J. Baumgartner

    Research output: Book/ReportOther report

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    A design of a barrage and fishway for the Damnak Chheukrom Irrigation Scheme has been completed by SAWAC Consultants Cambodia. The senior author (TM) observed the site during fieldwork when collecting data on barriers to migration, and noted that the fishway design could be improved, based on the most recent data and experience in the Mekong. The following advice is provided as an independent view of improving the fishway design to more effectively pass fish. We also provide some recommendations for future weir/barrage projects where fish passage is important. The advice is not linked to any project and is not funded. The opinions in this report are a collective view based on experience in numerous countries and particularly in the Mekong Basin, including experimental research on fishways in Laos PDR (Baumgartner et al. 2012; Baumgartner et al. 2018).
    Original languageEnglish
    Place of PublicationNewcastle, Australia
    PublisherAustralasian Fish Passage Services
    Number of pages23
    Publication statusPublished - Aug 2018


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