Supporting humane corrections through the provision of books, libraries and reading

Research output: Other contribution to conferencePresentation only

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One powerful tool available to correctional facilities to affirm and protect the humanity of the people in their care are facility libraries and the books, reading and learning opportunities enabled through those libraries. Rule 64 of the ‘Nelson Mandela Rules’ states that every person deprived of liberty in our correctional institutions must have access to a well-stocked library and be encouraged to use it. This recognises the value of books, libraries and reading to people deprived of liberty. In this presentation, the results of several research projects, each designed to explore and understand the role of books, libraries and reading in the lives of people deprived of liberty will be presented. The capacity for books, libraries and reading to support the humanity and dignity of persons deprived of liberty will be demonstrated across five domains: imagining a different future, maintaining and building connection with family and others, taking responsibility for the self, reducing institutionalisation, and keeping a foot in the outside world. Although the provision of books, libraries and reading is mandated through the Mandela Rules, the practical requirements to do so are often challenging for correctional facilities. Examples of innovative practices, particularly in the Asia-Pacific region will be described to inform and inspire attendees. The presentation concludes with an introduction to the recently published International Library and Information Associations and Institutions Guidelines for Library Services to Prisoners, co-edited by the presenter, and written to support correctional institutions in their provision of library services to the people in their care.
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - 25 Oct 2023
EventInternational Corrections & Prisons Association National Conference, 2023: ICPA Antwerp 2023 - Hilton Old Town, Antwerp, Belgium
Duration: 22 Oct 202327 Oct 2023


ConferenceInternational Corrections & Prisons Association National Conference, 2023
Abbreviated titleHumane Corrections: What more can we do?
OtherThe ICPA Annual Conference 2023 "Humane Corrections: What more can we do" was hosted by the Belgian Prison Service and took, will take place in Antwerp, Belgium, from October 22-27, at the Hilton Old Town. Watch videos from this event and download resources below!
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