
The transition from living at home into residential aged care (RAC) is internationally recognised as a significant life event. This period of change profoundly affects an older person’s roles, routines, responsibilities, relationships, and sense of self, and is associated with symptoms of depression and anxiety.
This presentation showcases the findings of our team's recently published systematic scoping review which identifies the pre-transition period (i.e., before a person moves into care) as an opportunity for early intervention and highlights critical gaps in psychological interventions aimed at reducing relocation stress during this period.
The systematic scoping review rigorously evaluated the published literature to identify psychological interventions targeting the transition into RAC.
The review identified a significant gap in interventions tailored to the pre-transition phase, potentially contributing to sustained levels of depression and anxiety among newly relocated RAC residents. It highlights the need for co-designed evidence-informed interventions to reduce the psychological burden of transitioning into RAC.
Conclusions/ Implications:
To address the gaps identified in the review, a collaboration between Charles Sturt University, Federation University, the National Ageing Research Institute, Uniting AgeWell, and St Agnes Care and Lifestyle was formed. From this collaboration, the ON-TRAC study emerged as an innovative response to the gaps revealed in the scoping review. The ON-TRAC project, funded by The Ian Potter Foundation and will run from 2024-2028.
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - 14 Nov 2024
Event57th Australian Association of Gerontology Conference - Tasmania, Hobart, Australia
Duration: 12 Nov 202415 Nov 2024


Conference57th Australian Association of Gerontology Conference
Internet address


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