Sustainable occupational opportunities in protected areas in Brazil

Alexandre Resende Tofeti, Vagner Dos Santos

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

5 Citations (Scopus)


Protected Areas (PAs) are central to environmental conservationism. Nonetheless, their implementation affects life circumstances and opportunities of communities living within and nearby their borders.
Aim: To layout situational maps of PAs in four Brazilian biomes to understand wicked problems of living nearby or inside PAs and discuss how occupational therapy can promote sustainable occupational opportunities.
Methods: We used case study and Situational Analysis to deal with data from 20 PAs, 82 interviews and four months of observations.
Results: PAs have a negative effect on people’s life by limiting job and income options, promoting unequal access and use of PA for different economic groups, among others. However, some positive aspects of PAs include the development of sustainable income practices, access to information, leisure and tourism to urban populations, and fostering social organisation of traditional communities. We, finally argue that occupational therapists can engage in this debate and practice with occupational-based projects guided by critical education and collective action perspective.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)40-49
Number of pages10
JournalWorld Federation of Occupational Therapists Bulletin
Issue number1
Publication statusPublished - 09 Jun 2020


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