Sweet Taste Preference and Personality Traits using a white wine

Anthony Saliba, Kate Wragg, Paul Richardson

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Understanding the influences of food & drink consumption patterns could help elucidate the factors that promote healthy dietary practices. Research has begun to investigate the influence of personality traits on dietary decisions. The current experiment measured personality traits and sweet taste preference using white wine in a healthy sample of adults (n=45). Sweet taste preference was associated with a higher level of impulsiveness but lower openness. These traits have previously been suspected to influence dietary choices (Davis, Strachan & Berkson, 2004; Goldberg & Strycker, 2002) and are briefly discussed within this context.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)572-575
Number of pages4
JournalFood Quality and Preference
Issue number8
Publication statusPublished - 2009


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