Team decision making for SLPs in schools: Tensions and the impact of rules

Research output: Other contribution to conferencePresentation onlypeer-review


SLPs in schools must implement rules regarding students’ eligibility for services. Implementation of rules can result in tensions within teams. Qualitative analysis using Cultural Historical Activity Theory (CHAT) identified 9 major tensions. Data from three focus groups were analyzed to create innovative solutions to seven of the nine tensions: (1) administrations’ adherence to the rules; (2) parents’ intervention in decision making; (3) evaluation data for decision making; (4) documentation of educational impact; (5) disagreement between team members; (6) SLPs’ concerns regarding outcomes; (7) need for greater SLP empowerment and advocacy. solutions including: building advocacy skills, understanding conflict, development of automaticity, awareness of students’ civil rights. SLPs and leaders may use CHAT to reduce obstacles and as a catalyst for change.
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - Nov 2023
Event2023 American Speech-Language-Hearing Assocation Convention: ASHA 2023 - Exhibit Hall, Boston, United States
Duration: 15 Nov 202318 Nov 2023


Conference2023 American Speech-Language-Hearing Assocation Convention
Abbreviated titleIgniting convention
Country/TerritoryUnited States
Internet address


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