Test of homogeneity, frequency analysis of rainfall data and estimate of drought probabilities in Dire Dawa, eastern Ethiopia

Ketema Zeleke, Dirk Raes

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


Ethiopian agriculture is almost totally dependent on rainfall. But this rainfall varies from year to year and is not dependable. Frequency analysis has been used to determine rainfall amounts for different return periods for Dire Dawa using data covering the period 1979-98. A computer software RAINBOW was used. The rainfall data has been tested for homogeneity at different significance levels. It is found to be generally homogenous. Different plotting position formulas have been compared. Frequency analysis of rainfall data has been done for three seasons i.e. belg, kiremt, and bega, for various return periods and exceedance levels using Weibull plotting position and normal distribution. There is a high probability of failure of belg seasonal rainfall than that of kiremt. Drought probability in the region is estimated to be 25%.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)125
Number of pages136
JournalEthiopian Journal of Natural Resources
Issue number2
Publication statusPublished - 1999


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