‘That idea that you are connected to something bigger’: How early career primary school teachers see their role of history teaching in regional Australia

Research output: Other contribution to conferencePresentation onlypeer-review

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The discussion of identity and history teaching in regional Australia.
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - 15 Apr 2015
EventPractice-Based Education Summit 2015 - Waterview, Sydney, Australia
Duration: 15 Apr 201516 Apr 2015


ConferencePractice-Based Education Summit 2015
OtherThe fifth international Practice-Based Education (PBE) Summit is an opportunity for delegates to discuss possibilities for future professional education with a particular focus on professionalism and citizenship. At the heart of much research into professional and practice-based education today are concepts of pedagogy that educate graduates for future practices.

We are living in times where international markets drive local university curricula; international professional federations stipulate professional accreditation criteria and mobile technology brings about changes in learning and teaching. Underpinned with these global economic conditions, traditional concepts of professionalism and citizenship are changing.
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