The CSU outreach team: Building confidence, success and persistence amongst online learners

Peter Greening, Diane Middleton, Emma Gersbach

    Research output: Book chapter/Published conference paperConference paperpeer-review

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    The orientation and support of online learners are key issues for many institutions with large online cohorts. The tyranny of distance combines with a range of demographic, behavioural and cultural aspects to make orientation and support of online learners more complex than it is for traditional internal cohorts. Students from low socio-economic backgrounds, students who are the first in family to experience university study, mature age students and other non-traditional university students present unique challenges to university support services. The Outreach Team at Charles Sturt University seeks to overcome these problems by providing face-to-face orientation for online students via a series of visits to cities and towns across Australia. These visits are supplemented by telephone and email support throughout the remainder of a students’ candidature. Data analysis suggests that interaction with the Outreach Team has a positive impact on students’ confidence, achievement, persistence and timely completion.
    Original languageEnglish
    Title of host publicationProceedings of STARS Conference 2017
    Number of pages9
    Publication statusPublished - 10 Jul 2017
    EventStudents Transitions Achievement Retention & Success (STARS) Conference 2017: STARS 2017 - Stamford Grand, Adelaide, Australia
    Duration: 02 Jul 201705 Jul 2017 (Conference website) (Conference proceedings)


    ConferenceStudents Transitions Achievement Retention & Success (STARS) Conference 2017
    OtherThe STARS conference provides the opportunity to disseminate and discuss current research, good practice, emerging initiatives and leading edge ideas that are aimed at enhancing students’ tertiary learning experiences.
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