The determination of total Cu in white wine by BCA colorimetric analysis

Andrew Clark, Nick Kodoudakis, Mark Smith, Paul A Smith, Eric N Wilkes

Research output: Book/ReportPolicy/Procedures/Guidelines

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This method allows the determination of total copper concentration in white wine. It utilises the colorimetric reagent 2,2′-bicinchoninic acid dipotassium salt (BCA) to react with copper(I) and form a purpled coloured complex, which absorbs at 563 nm. During the analysis, ascorbic acid is added to aid the conversion of copper(II) to copper(I). Also, silver(I) nitrate is added in order to induce dissociation of suspended copper(I) sulfide in wine, and thereby to provide non-sulfide bound copper ions and silver(I) sulfide.
Original languageEnglish
Number of pages4
Publication statusPublished - 2018


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