
This paper explores the relationship between the embeddedness of a firm’s managerial values and corporate financial performance in Swiss small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) by developing a conceptual Maturity Model of Managerial Values (MM-MV). The MM-MV articulates the extent to which managerial values are embedded within organisations; allowing the analysis of the interrelationship between the degree of values-embeddedness and financial performance in SMEs. The findings suggest that as managerial values become more embedded, financial performance increases; therefore SMEs exhibiting highly embedded managerial values such as customer minded, team spirit, innovation-driven reliability, persistency, competency, and engagement tend to financially outperform SMEs that have not fully embedded managerial values throughout the firm.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)165-204
Number of pages40
JournalResearch in Ethical Issues in Organizations
Publication statusPublished - 14 May 2018


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