The findings of an ACDEVEG survey on VET teachers’ work during COVID in 2020

Daryl South, Erica Smith

Research output: Other contribution to conferencePresentation only

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The COVID-19 global pandemic caused significant disruption to Australian society in 2020. Whilst response to the pandemic varied across each State and Territory, a common theme was disruption to education and training. This paper reports on research about the changes to vocational education and training (VET) teachers’ teaching resulting from COVID-19, during 2020. It was carried out with VET teacher-education students, all already working as VET teachers, at three universities, which are members of ACDEVEG. An online survey of all 2020 and 2021 students in these VET teacher-education programs was administered in August 2021. 74 detailed responses were received, from VET teachers teaching in a range of industry and discipline areas and AQF levels. Teachers reported on-line teaching experiences, changed on-campus practices, and other consequences. In this paper an overview of the main findings are presented.


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