This project was focussed on determining how future expenditure on eHealth could improve mental health treatment and service provision in the western Murray Darling Basin (MDB). The project was designed to access the knowledge of both professionals and mental health clients concerning eHealth options, the extent of eHealth use in the region, and the possibilities for eHealth use in the region. Due to currently inconclusive evidence about the prevalence of mental illness of migrants and senior members of the community, and the effectiveness of the use of eHealth options with these groups, the project was designed to gain insight into issues around eHealth for these two groups as well as the general population of people with mental illnesses in the western MDB.The project was conducted in two stages 'Stage 1 involved in-depth interviews with, and demographic surveys of, mental health professionals who provided services in the western MDB. Stage 2 involved in-depth interviews with people with mental illnesses in the region. In Stage 2, participants also completed a diary in which they recorded contact they had with professionals and support people for one month, including the extent to which that contact involved technology. The project data was analysed using thematic analysis, and conducted with the aid of the NVIVO computer package designed for qualitative research. Interviewing began in November 2011 and continued until June 2012. The Charles Sturt University Human Research Ethics Committee approved both stages of this project.The main research question that was the focus of this study was: 'What mental eHealth services will best meet the future needs of the western Murray Darling Basin?'
Original language | English |
Place of Publication | Australia |
Publisher | Department of Regional Australia, Regional Development and Local Government |
Commissioning body | Department of Regional Australia, Regional Development and Local Government |
Number of pages | 52 |
Publication status | Published - 2012 |