The impact and implications of COVID-19: An Australian perspective

Dominic O'Sullivan, Mubarak Rahamathulla, Manohar Pawar

Research output: Book chapter/Published conference paperChapter (peer-reviewed)peer-review

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This chapter describes and discusses the spread of the coronavirus
pandemic in Australia, its impact on people and the economy and
policy responses to these impacts. It discusses the implications of these
responses for post-pandemic recovery, though noting that the country’s
response to the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic has,
thus far, been among the most successful in the world. Australia’s early
physical distancing measures, relatively high per capita testing rates,
political stability, national wealth and geographic isolation are among the
explanatory factors. This chapter summarises Australia’s socio-economic
responses to the pandemic and shows what this means, especially, for
vulnerable groups, and thereby for social inequality, which the pandemic
has aggravated and which may become more apparent, still, as debates
about paths to economic and social recovery are in some respects already polarising. Although it is relatively early to clearly identify
lessons learnt from these responses, it is safe to conclude that further
policy development needs to be carefully focused to avoid exacerbating
existing inequalities.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationCovid-19 pandemic
Subtitle of host publicationImpact on and implications for community and social development
EditorsManohar Pawar
Place of PublicationNew Dehli
PublisherSAGE Publications India
Number of pages25
ISBN (Electronic)9789353886912
ISBN (Print)9789353886899
Publication statusPublished - 2021


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