The impact of scaffolding and early upfront assessment on first year student experiences in the Faculty of Business: A report on the outcomes of the STAR plan

Kath Attree

Research output: Other contribution to conferencePresentation only

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This presentation discusses some preliminary findings of a research project currently being conducted by the Student Transition and Retention (STAR) Leads in the Faculty of Business. This aspect of the research focuses on assessment and in particular the impacts of an early upfront assessment and scaffolding of assessment tasks on student learning, behaviour, motivation and success. It covers areas such as how students approach learning and what role assessment tasks play in their study. Discussion points for participants will centre around how we can design assessments that facilitate learning, enhance motivation and improve their success.
Original languageEnglish
Number of pages21
Publication statusPublished - 19 Nov 2013
EventCSU Ed 2013: Transforming Assessment: New Landscapes, New Pedagogy, New Students. - Australia, Bathurst, Australia
Duration: 19 Nov 201321 Nov 2013


ConferenceCSU Ed 2013
Abbreviated titleTransforming Assessment: New Landscapes, New Pedagogy, New Students.
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