The impact of school based micro-teaching on Teacher Education Students' teacher efficacy: A work integrated learning approach

Research output: Other contribution to conferenceAbstractpeer-review


Researchers have reported that teacher efficacy influences the implementation and enactment of curriculums and teachers' wellbeing. Innovative WIL has the potential to enhance Teacher Education students' (TES') teacher efficacy through school-based micro-teaching. WIL built within a university subject has the potential to provide TES students with opportunities to be in schools, observing, team teaching, and micro-teaching while still coming back to the university to reflect and prepare further.

The study aimed to strengthen TES' teacher efficacy by intergrating WIL for the teaching of a Health and Physical Education (HPE) subject. The study sought to gain insight into the development of TES teacher efficacy through the delivery of a university subject on the university and school site. TES students learnt theory and pedagogical approaches on the university site, implemented these into practice on the school site, and then reflected on the process.

This longitudinal study collected and analysed TES responses to formal university subject evaluation surveys, TES assessment tasks, including TES reflections and academic reflections across four semesters. The findings are presented in the form of auto-ethnography and student data was analysed using thematic analysis.

The school-university partnership enhanced the TES’ efficacy and understanding of reflective practice. It provided them with real-world experiences to link theory and practice within a school setting. The delivery of the HPE subject provided an authentic learning experience and enhanced TES’ teacher practice for school practice.
Original languageEnglish
Number of pages2
Publication statusPublished - 2023
EventNational Association of Field Experience Administrators Conference 2023: 2023 NAFEA - Crystalbrook Riley, Cairns, Australia
Duration: 18 Oct 202320 Oct 2023 (Conference website)


ConferenceNational Association of Field Experience Administrators Conference 2023
Abbreviated titleThe WIL to thrive: a brave new world
OtherThe conference will explore current and future opportunities and challenges associated with work-Integrated learning (WIL). The conference sessions will focus on a broad range of topics related to WIL in the context of the COVID pandemic, the National WIL Strategy, growing demands for WIL, the seemingly escalating risks, and increasing demands and pressures on WIL practitioners. The conference will provide a forum to discuss and share strategies, innovations and practices.
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