The impact of water stress on Petri disease development in young grapevines

Research output: Other contribution to conferencePresentation only

Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - 25 Sept 2024
EventCrush 2024 - The grape and wine symposium - Adelaide Conference Centre, Adelaide, Australia
Duration: 25 Sept 202426 Sept 2024 (Event website) (Program)


ConferenceCrush 2024 - The grape and wine symposium
OtherThe Crush Planning Committee and ASVO are thrilled to announce that a second day of Crush will take place on Thursday, 26 September 2024!

This day, hosted by ASVO, will provide Crush delegates with the opportunity to hear keynote speakers that address current, important and emerging topics of interest to researchers, academic editors, and industry stakeholders.

Crush day 1 on Wednesday, 25 September will be similar to previous symposia, with students and researchers presenting the latest in grape and wine science.

Crush day 2 on Thursday, 26 September aims to provide early-career to senior researchers with valuable insights in the ever-evolving landscape of research and publishing and provide skills necessary for the dissemination of findings to the scientific and wine community.
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