The importance of understanding end user acceptability of new technology to support animal health management

L Hayes, J Manyweathers, I Langstaff, D Howard, M Hernández-Jover

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

3 Citations (Scopus)


This pilot study investigates the acceptability of a mobile application (app) developed to assist livestock producers make better animal health decisions with the support of a local veterinarian. With the increase in new technologies available for producers, acceptability evaluation is important to ensure that technology is designed considering end users' needs. An acceptability qualitative study, using semi-structured interviews, was designed including a purposive selection of sheep producers and livestock veterinarians. Eleven producers and six veterinarians participated in the study. Results suggest that producers would use such a tool to contact private veterinarians in non-emergency situations to obtain animal health advice. From veterinarians' perspective, while features of the app, such as messaging and notifications, were considered useful, concerns were raised about its capacity to enhance business opportunities and potential privacy implications. This study highlights the importance of engaging with end users in the early stages of the design and the introduction of new technology to maximise potential for adoption.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)475-477
Number of pages3
JournalAustralian Veterinary Journal
Issue number10
Early online date10 May 2020
Publication statusPublished - Oct 2020


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