The information context of elderly Chinese immigrants in South Australia: A preliminary investigation

Jia Tina Du, Yan Tan, Fang Xu

Research output: Book chapter/Published conference paperConference paperpeer-review

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Introduction.The study reported in this paper is part of an ongoing research project exploring elderly Chinese immigrants’ information behaviour as they integrate into Australia.
Methods. A focus group was conducted with thirteen senior Chinese immigrants to seek insights on their integration process, primarily how they went about eliciting information to address personal needs.
Analysis. The interview recordings were transcribed and analysed using the open coding approach.
Results and Conclusion. Elderly Chinese migrants in the early stage of immigration have limited access to necessary services. The results suggest that the elderly Chinese information seeking behaviour is manifested as randomness and constrained independency. The sole use of Chinese social media might constrain the integration process.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationProceedings of ISIC
Subtitle of host publicationThe information behaviour conference, Krakow, Poland, 9-11 October, 2018: Part 2
EditorsT. D. Wilson
PublisherUniversity of Boras, Sweden
Number of pages8
Publication statusPublished - Mar 2019
EventISIC: The Information Behaviour Conference 2018 - The Jagiellonian University , Krakow, Poland
Duration: 09 Oct 201811 Oct 2018 (Proceedings)


OtherThe ISIC conferences have a reputation for being an arena for discussing challenging work concerning people’s contextualised interactions with information of various kinds. Already the first conference 1996 in Tampere, Finland, constructed a platform for development within the field and community for researchers. The history of the ISIC conferences includes high quality papers, theoretical developments as well as a wide range of interesting empirical phenomena in all possible contexts.
The history of the ISIC conferences has reflected the multidisciplinary and ever-evolving scope: researchers from information science, information studies, library studies, communication studies, information management, education, management science, psychology, social psychology, sociology, STS, information systems, computer science, and other disciplines contribute to the research field. A common thread is the focus on contextualised information activities, expressed in different framings such as ‘information behaviour’, ‘information practice’, ‘information seeking’, ‘information experience’ and others.
ISIC 2018 intends to reflect and engage with the interdisciplinary character of information research and seeks to attract papers from all of these areas. ISIC is a conference for research papers exploring information as a rich site of study, going beyond the sole focus on technological aspects and exploring a wide variety of contexts. This legacy is borne out in the publication of the conference proceedings since the first conference in the series over 20 years ago.
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